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Research - Publications

The publications listed below are essentially the activity of present and some recent past Mathematics staff. Listings date back to 1994 and cover the staff member's period of employment in the School of Mathematics at the University of Tasmania. Some publications not affiliated with the University of Tasmania may also be listed.

codes at the end of each listing are for the University's Publication Entry System and follow guidelines set down by the Commonwealth of Australia's Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) .
*  indicates an author from another institution.

Click on a staff member's name to view their list of publications ...
** indicates a past staff member

Eugene Benilov **
David Blest **
Michael Brideson
Bruce Brown **
Michael Bulmer **
Jilyana Cazaran **
Elizabeth Chelkowska
Helen Chick **
Genevieve Churchill **
Anne Cowling **
Kumudini Dharmadasa
John Donaldson
David Elliot **
Desmond Fearnley-Sander **
Des Fitzgerald
Larry Forbes
Barry Gardner
Robyn Gregory **
Kym Hill
Marcel Jackson **
Peter Johnston **
Andrei Kelarev
Galena Kelareva **
Rudi Lidl **
Susumu Okada **
Damien Palmer
Alison Plant **
Barry Robinson **
Don Row **
Roy Stee **
Tim Stokes **
Peter Trotter
John van den Berg **
Simon Wotherspoon
La Monte Yarroll **

Eugene Benilov **

Journal Articles

  • Benilov, ES, Broutman, D*, Kuznetsova, EP, ‘On the stability of large-amplitude vortices in a continuously stratified fluid on the f-plane’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 355 139-162 (1998) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, Sakov, PV, ‘Dynamics of large-amplitude geostrophic flows over bottom topography’, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 4 (1) 55-62 (1997) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, ‘Beta induced translations of strong isolated eddies’, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26 223-229 (1996) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, ‘Beta-Induced Translation of Strong Isolated Eddies’, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26 2223-2229 (1996) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, Reznik, GM*, ‘The Complete Classification of Large-Amplitude Geostrophic Flows in a Two-Layer Fluid’, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 82 1-22 (1996) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, ‘Baroclinic instability of quasi-geostrophic flows localized in a thin layer’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 288 175-199 (1995) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, ‘On the stability of large-amplitude geostrophic flows in a two-layer fluid: the case of 'strong' beta-effect’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 284 137-158 (1995) [A1]
  • Benilov, ES, ‘Stability of large-amplitude geostrophic flows localized in a thin layer’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 288 157-174 (1995) [A1]

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David Blest **

Journal Articles

  • Blest, DC, ‘Optimising sums of cubes of integer differences’, The Mathematical Gazette, 84 (501) 509-512 (2000) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Rank correlation - an alternative measure’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 42 (March) 101-111 (2000) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Unfair dice’, Mathematical Intelligencer, 22 3-4 (2000) [A4]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Choice and order: an extension to Kendall's ’, Proceeding of the Royal Statistical Society, 48 (2) 227-237 (1999) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, McKee, S*, Zulkifle, AK*, Marshall, P*, ‘Curing simulation by autoclave resin infusion’, Composites Science and Technology, 59 2297-2313 (1999) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, Duffy, BR*, McKee, S*, Zulkifle, AK*, ‘Curing simulation of thermoset composites’, Composites: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 30 1289-1309 (1999) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Focus on Sport - Lower Bounds for Athletic Performance’, The Statistician, 45 (2) 243-253 (1996) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, ‘NUMERACY Arrest the Slide’, Journal of Education, Tasmania, 1 (2) 11 (1996) [A3]
  • Blest, DC, Hallam, CB, ‘The Design of Dice’, Mathematics Today, 32 (1/2) 8-13 (1996) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, Duffy, BR*, McKee, S*, ‘Two studies in process modelling: injection moulding and resin film infusion’, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business & Industry, 7 23-37 (1996) [A1]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Worrying Parallels With UK’, Directions in Education, 5 (3) 4 (1996) [A2]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Dollar Incentives Needed?’, Directions in Education, 4 (15) 1-2 (1995) [A2]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Kissing Cousins’, New Scientist, 148 (2008) 52 (1995) [A4]

Conference Publication

  • Blest, DC, Tariq, J*, ‘Efficient Division in the Binary Representation of Complex Numbers’, Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon, 2001, South Carolina, USA, 188-195 (2001) [F1]
  • Jamil, T*, Blest, DC, ‘Formulation and analysis of (-1-j)-base complex binary number system’, International Conference on Communication, Computer and Power (ICCCP'01), Muscat, 76-81 (2001) [F2]
  • Jamil, T, Holmes, WN, Blest, DC, ‘Towards implementation of a binary number system for complex numbers’, Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2000, Nashville, 268 - 274 (2000) [F1]
  • Gates, LMT, Robinson, B, Blest, DC, ‘Measures of mathematical knowledge students bring with them to university can contribute to better teacher’, Eighteenth Annual Conference of Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Darwin, 285-292 (1995) [F1]

Contract Report, Consultant's Report

  • Hallam, CB, Blest, DC, Involvement of Women from Non English Speaking Backgrounds in Cervical Smear Testing - Analysis of Results, Launceston General Hospital (1995) [I1]
  • Hallam, CB, Blest, DC, Rural Nursing Training Needs, Tasmanian Rural Health Unit - Launceston General Hospital (1995) [I1]

Other Public Output

  • Blest, DC, ‘A singular observation’, Tirra Lirra: The Australian Independent Contemporary Magazine, Phoebe Publishing, Victoria, 12 , 3 (2001) [O2]
  • Blest, DC, ‘A lovely set of numbers’, Tirra Lirra: The Australian Independent Contemporary Magazine, Phoebe Publishing, Victoria, 11, 1 (2000) [O2]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Alphabetism’, Tirra: The Australian Independent Contemporary Magazine, Phoebe Publishing, Victoria, 10, 2 (2000) [O2]
  • Blest, DC, ‘Teaching of mathematics in schools’, Ockham's Razor, Australian Broardcasting Commission, Australia, 29-10-2000 (2000) [O3]
  • Blest, DC, ‘What's the probability?’, Directions in Education, Australian Council for Educational Administration, Melbourne, 9, 8 (2000) [O2]
  • Blest, DC, FitzGerald, DG, Hallam, CB, ‘More cash for maths: Uni’, The Examiner, Launceston, 12 August 1995 (1995) [O3]

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Michael Brideson

Journal Articles

  • Brideson, MA, Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Determining complicated winding patterns for shim coils using stream functions and the target-field method’, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 14 (1) 9-18 (2002) [A1]
  • Crozier, S*, Forbes, LK, Brideson, M, ‘Ellipsoidal harmonic (Lame) MRI shims’, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (4) 1880-1885 (2002) [A1]
  • Brideson, MA, Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Winding patterns for actively-shielded shim coils with asymmetric target-fields’, Measurement Science and Technology14 484-493 (2003) [A1]

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Bruce Brown **

Journal Articles

  • Brown BM, Hoffmansperger TP*, 'Regular redescending rank estimates', Journal of the American Statistical Association 89( 426) 538-542 (1994). [A1]
  • Brown, BM, Hall, P*, Young , GA*, “On the effect of inliers on the spatial median”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 63 (1) 88-104 (1997). [A1]
  • Brown, BM, Cowling, A*, ‘Clustering and abundance estimation for Neyman-Scott models and line transect surveys’, Biometrika, 85 (2) 427-438 (1998). [A1]
  • Brown, BM, Chen, SX*, ‘Combined and least squares empirical likelihood’, Annaly Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 50 697-714 (1998). [A1]


  • Brown, BM, Hettmansperger, TP, Mottonen, J*, Oja, H*, ‘Rank plots in the affine invariant case’, L1- Statistical Procedures and Related Topics, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 351-362 (1997). [F1]
Chapter in Book
  • Brown BM, 'Chance and data', MATHEMATICS and TEACHING -Topics for professional Development of Teachers., Chick HL , Watson JM (ed/s), Australian Association of Maths Teachers, Adelaide, 223-241 (1994).  [C]
  • Brown BM, 'Application of Quadratic Programming in Statistics', A Tribute to Peter Whittle, Kelly FP (ed/s), Wiley, Chichester, 34 1-350 (1994). -- [C1]

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Michael Bulmer **

Journal Articles

  • Bulmer M, 'Mathematica in Calculus 1 at the University of Tasmania', Utas 85 18-19 (1994). [A2]
  • Bulmer M, Fearnley-Sander D, Stokes T, 'Toward a Calculus of Algorithms', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 50( 1) 81-89 (1994). [A1]


  • Bulmer, M, 'Inductive Equational Reasoning', PRICAI'96, Cairns, 13-22 (1996). [F1]
  • Bulmer, M, 'Inductive Theories from Equational Systems', ISIS'96, Melbourne, 260-268 (1996). [F1]

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Jilyana Cazaran **

Journal Article

  • Cazaran, J, ‘Artinian rings, finite principal ideal rings and algebraic error-correcting codes’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 59 (3) 525-526 (1999) [A5]
  • Moree, P*, Cazaran, J, ‘On a claim of Ramanujan in his first letter to Hardy’, Expositiones Mathematicae, 17 (4) 289--311 (1999) [A2]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘On finite principal ideal rings’, Acta Mathematicae Universitatis Comenianae, 68 (1) 77--84 (1999) [A1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Semisimple Artinian graded rings’, Communications in Algebra, 27 (8) 3863-3874 (1999) [A1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Generators and weights of polynomial codes’, Archiv der Mathematik, 69 479-486 (1997) [A1]
Conference Publication
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Polynomial codes and principal ideal rings’, Proc. 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, 502 (1997) [F2]
  • Cazaran, J, ‘Artinian rings, Finite Principal Ideal Rings and Algebraic Error-Correcting Codes’ (1998) [M3]

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Elizabeth Chelkowska

Journal Article

  • McGlashan, ND, Harington, J*, Chelkowska, EZ, ‘A thirty-three year epidemiological record of cancers among the black gold mine workers of Southern Africa’, European Journal of Oncology, 6 (1) 67-73 (2001) [A1]
  • McGlashan, ND, Cook, SJ*, Melrose, W*, Martin, PL*, Chelkowska, EZ, von Witt, RJ, ‘Maternal selenium levels and Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS)’, Australian New Zealand Medical Journal, 26 677-681 (1996) [A1]
  • McGlashan, ND, Cook, SJ*, Melrose, W*, Martin, PL*, Chelkowska, EZ, von Witt, RJ*, ‘Maternal selenium levels and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 26 677-681 (1996) [A1]

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Helen Chick **

Journal Article

  • Chick, HL, Gardner, BJ, ‘Quasiregular torsion rings having isomorphic additive and circle composition groups’, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 22 (3) 371 - 384 (1999) [A1]
  • Chick, HL, ‘Cognition in the Formal Modes: Research Mathematics and the SOLO Taxonomy’, Mathematics Education Research Journal, 10 (2) 4-26 (1998) [A1]
  • Chick, HL, Gardner, BJ, ‘Commutative quasiregular rings with isomorphic additive and circle composition groups, II: rational algebras’, Communications in Algebra, 26 657-670 (1998) [A1]
  • Chick, HL, ‘The properties of some rings having isomorphic additive and circle composition groups’, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 23 (3) 112-117 (1996) [A1]

Conference Publication

  • Chick, HL, Watson, JM, ‘Showing and telling: Primary students' outcomes in data representation and interpretation’, Teaching Mathematics in New Times, Australia, 153-160 (1998) [F1]
  • Watson, JM, Chick, HL, ‘Collaboration in Mathematical Problem Solving’, Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Brisbane, 47 (1997) [F3]
  • Lidster, ST*, Chick, HL, Watson, JM, ‘Developing cognition in interpreting data’, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Adelaide, 202-209 (1997) [F2]
  • Chick, HL, ‘Rings with isomorphic additive and circle composition groups’, Rings and Radicals, Shijiazhuang, 160-169 (1996) [F1]
  • Chick, HL, Collis, KF, Donaldson, JD, Watson, JM, ‘Professional Development in Mathematics for Teachers - Who, What, Why and How’, 15th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Darwin, 65-71 (1995) [F2]
  • Chick, HL, Collis, KF, Donaldson, JD, Watson, JM, ‘Professional development in mathematics for teachers: Who, what, why and how’, 15th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Darwin, 65-71 (1995) [F1]


  • Chick, HL, ‘Aspects of the circle composition operation in rings’ (1997) [M3]

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Genevieve Churchill **

Journal Article
  • Churchill, GA, Trotter, PG, ‘A Unified Approach to Biidentities for e-varieties’, Semigroup Forum, 60 208-230 (2000) [A1]
  • Churchill, GA, ‘Theorems of Birkhoff type in pseudovarieties and e-varieties of regular semigroups’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 60 (2) 349-350 (1999) [A5]
  • Churchill, GA, ‘Almeida's generalised variety problem’, Journal of Algebra, 196 499-519 (1997) [A1]
  • Churchill, GA, ‘Theories of Birkhoff type in pseudovarieties and e-varieties of regular semigroups’ (1998) [M3]

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Anne Cowling **

Journal Article

  • Cowling, A, ‘Spatial methods for line transect surveys’, Biometrics, 54 828-839 (1998) [A1]

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Kumudini Dharmadasa


  • Dharmadasa, HK, ‘The theory of q p spaces’ (1995)

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John Donaldson

Journal Article

  • Wotherspoon, SJ, Donaldson, JD, ‘Finite differences and internal tides-representing the boundary’, Deep-Sea Research I, 43 (6) 949-958 (1996) [A1]

Conference Publication

  • Chick, HL, Collis, KF, Donaldson, JD, Watson, JM, ‘Professional Development in Mathematics for Teachers - Who, What, Why and How’, 15th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Darwin, 65-71 (1995) [F2]
  • Chick, HL, Collis, KF, Donaldson, JD, Watson, JM, ‘Professional development in mathematics for teachers: Who, what, why and how’, 15th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Darwin, 65-71 (1995) [F1]

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David Elliot **

Journal Article

  • Johnston, PR*, Elliott, D, ‘Transformations for evaluating singular boundary element integrals’, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 146 231-251 (2002) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Elliott, D, ‘A generalisation of Telles' method for evaluating weakly singular boundary element integrals’, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 131 (1) 223-241 (2001) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Elliott, D, ‘Error estimation of quadrature rules for evaluating singular integrals in boundary element problems’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48 (May) 949-962 (2000) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, ‘Sigmoidal transformations and the trapezoidal rule’, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society Series B Applied Mathematics, 40 E77-E137 (1998) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, ‘The Euler-Maclaurin formula revisited’, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society Series B Applied Mathematics, 40 E27-E76 (1998) [A1]
  • Delbourgo, R, Elliott, D, McAnally, DS*, ‘Dimensional renormalisation in [phi]3 theory: ladders and rainbows’, Physics Review, 55D (8) 121-132 (1997) [A1]
  • Delbourgo, R, Elliott, D, McAnally, D*, ‘Dimensional renormalization in φ-3 theory: Ladders and rainbows’, Physical Review D, 55 (8) 5230-5233 (1997) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, Venturino, E, ‘Sigmoidal transformations and the Euler-Maclaurin expansion for evaluating certain Hadamard finite-part integrals’, Numerische Mathematik, 77 453-465 (1997) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, ‘The cruciform crack problem in sigmoidal transformations’, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 20 121-132 (1997) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, Prossdorf, S, ‘An algorithm for the approximate solution of integral equations of Mellin type.’, Numerische Mathematik, 70 427-452 (1995) [A1]
  • Elliott, D, ‘Three Algorithms for Hadamard finite-part integrals and fractional derivatives’, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 62 267-283 (1995) [A1

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Desmond Fearnley-Sander **

Journal Article
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Kelarev, AV, Stokes, T*, ‘Non-commutative modal rings and internalized equality’, Algebra Colloquium, 9 (1) 65-80 (2002) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE*, ‘Internalising equality in Boolean algebras’, Algebra Universalis, 43 187-195 (2000) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE, ‘Equality algebras’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 56 (2) 177-191 (1997) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Automated Theorem Proving and Its Prospects’, PSYCHE:An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness, 2 (28) 1-9 (1996) [A4]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Book Review: QUAIFE, A. Automated Development of Fundamental Mathematical Theories, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1992)’, The Australian Computer Journal, 27 (1) 29 (1995) [A4]
  • Bulmer, M*, Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE, ‘Toward a Calculus of Algorithms’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 50 (1) 81-89 (1995) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Zero Derivative Theorem’, Mathematica World, 3 (6) 1-7 (1995) [A2]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Numerical Integration 1’, Mathematica World, 2 (9) 1-11 (1994) [A2]
Conference Publication
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Algebra Worlds’, Proceedings of the 12th ICMI Study Conference, Melbourne, 243-251 (2001) [F1]
  • Bulmer, M*, Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE*, ‘The Kinds of Truth of Geometry Theorems’, Automated Deduction in Geometry, Zurich, Switzerland, 129-141 (2001) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Autonomy for automata’, AISAT 2000 Proceedings, Hobart, 302-305 (2000) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Brain extensions - some thoughts on how to scramble a face’, Proceedings of the Mathematics 2000 Festival, AAMT, Melbourne, 57-66 (2000) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Mathematical structures for rational discourse’, Fourth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Guangzhou, China, 311-319 (1999) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Mathematics for computer science - and conversely’, International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Samos, Greece, 104-106 (1999) [F3]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Plane Euclidean reasoning’, Automated Deduction in Geometry, Beijing, China, 86-110 (1999) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, T*, ‘Area in Grassmann geometry’, Automated Deduction in Geometry; Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 141-170 (1998) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘A logic of definitional reasoning’, CATS'96, Melbourne, 81-89 (1996) [F1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, ‘Reasoning as theorizing’, Workshop at Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brisbane, 13-23 (1996) [F2]

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Des Fitzgerald

Journal Article

  • FitzGerald, DG, ‘Representation of inverse monoids by partial automorphisms’, Semigroup Forum, 61 357-362 (2000) [A1]
  • FitzGerald, DG, ‘Green's relations in some categories of strong graph homomorphisms’, Semigroup Forum, 58 445--451 (1999) [A1]
  • FitzGerald, DG, ‘The ubiquity of power functions’, Biometrical Journal, 41 (1) 111-118 (1999) [A1]
  • FitzGerald, DG, Leech, J*, ‘Dual symmetric inverse monoids and representation theory’, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society Series A, 64 345-367 (1998) [A1]
  • FitzGerald, DG, ‘Normal Bands and Their Inverse Semigroups of Bicongruences’, Journal of Algebra, 185 502-526 (1996) [A1]
Conference Publication
  • Griggs, HE, FitzGerald, DG, ‘Beyond the bottom line - Managing to survive in the Human Services sector: a cross disciplinary study of the impact of top team training and education on organisational performance’, ANZAM '99 Conference Proceedings, Hobart, 1 - 2 (1999) [F3]
  • Morgan, GW, Lowry, GR, FitzGerald, DG, ‘Development of Staff Characteristics ans Service Stability in Leading Australian-owned Information Technology Firms’, Proceeding of Software Engineering: Education and Practice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 96-103 (1998) [F1]
  • Lowry, GR, Morgan, GW, FitzGerald, DG, ‘Identifying Excellence in Leading Australian - Owned Information Technology Firms: Five Emerging Themes’, Australasian Comference on Information Systems (ACIS'96), Hobart, 419-429 (1996) [F1]
  • Lowry, GR, Morgan, GW, FitzGerald, DG, ‘Organisational Characteristics, Cultural Qualities and Excellence in Top Australian-Owned Information Technology Firms’, Information Systems Conference of New Zealand, Palmerston North, 72-86 (1996) [F1]
Other Public Output

  • Blest, DC, FitzGerald, DG, Hallam, CB, ‘More cash for maths: Uni’, The Examiner, Launceston, 12 August 1995 (1995) [O3]

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Larry Forbes

Journal Article

  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘A novel target-field method for magnetic resonance shim coils:III. Shielded zonal and tesseral coils’, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36 68-80 (In Press) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Hocking, GC*, ‘On the computation of steady axi-symmetric withdrawal from a two-layer fluid’, Computers and Fluids, 32 (3) 385-401 (In Press) [A1]
  • Hocking, GC*, Vanden-Broeck, JM*, Forbes, LK, ‘A note on withdrawal from a fluid of finite depth through a point sink’, ANZIAM Journal, 44 181-191 (2002) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘A novel target-field method for finite-length magnetic resonance shim coils:II Tesseral shims’, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35 839-849 (2002) [A1]
  • Belward, C*, Howes, T*, Forbes, LK, ‘An analytic simplification for the reconstruction problem of electrical impedance tomography’, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 12 (1) 9-15 (2002) [A1]
  • Brideson, MA, Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Determining complicated winding patterns for shim coils using stream functions and the target-field method’, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 14 (1) 9-18 (2002) [A1]
  • McCue, S*, Forbes, LK, ‘Free-surface flows emerging from beneath a semi-infinite plate with constant velocity’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 461 387-407 (2002) [A1]
  • Snape-Jenkinson, CJ*, Crozier, S*, Forbes, LK, ‘NMR shim coil design utilising a rapid spherical harmonic calculation method’, ANZIAM Journal, 43 375-386 (2002) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Derrick, W*, ‘A combustion wave of permanent form in a compressible gas’, ANZIAM Journal, 43 (1) 35-58 (2001) [A1]
  • Snape-Jenkinson, CJ*, Crozier, S*, Forbes, LK, ‘A flexible method for rapid force computation in elliptical magnets’, Measurement Science and Technology, 12 716-722 (2001) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘A novel target-field method for finite-length magnetic resonance shim coils: I. Zonal shims’, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34 3447-3455 (2001) [A1]
  • Belward, SR*, Forbes, LK, ‘A simple model for oilspill containment’, ANZIAM Journal, 43 (2) 237-246 (2001) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Asymmetric zonal shim coils for magnetic resonance applications’, Medical Physics, 28 (8) 1644-1651 (2001) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘On a possible mechanism for peripheral nerve stimulation during magnetic resonance imaging scans’, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (1) 591-608 (2001) [A1]
  • McCue, SW*, Forbes, LK, ‘Smoothly attaching bow flows with constant vorticity’, ANZIAM Journal, 42 354-371 (2001) [A1]
  • Hocking, GC*, Forbes, LK, ‘Super-critical withdrawal from a two-layer fluid through a line sink if the lower layer is of finite depth’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 428 333-348 (2001) [A1]
  • Forbes, LK, ‘The design of a full-scale industrial leaching process’, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 25 233-256 (2001) [A1]
  • Crozier, S*, Snape-Jenkinson, CJ*, Forbes, LK, ‘The Stochastic Design of Force-Minimised Compact Magnets for High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications’, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 11 (2) 4014-4022 (2001) [A1]
  • Brideson, MA, Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Determining complicated winding patterns for shim coils using stream functions and the target-field method’, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 14 (1) 9-18 (2002) [A1]
  • Crozier, S*, Forbes, LK, Brideson, M, ‘Ellipsoidal harmonic (Lame) MRI shims’, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (4) 1880-1885 (2002) [A1]
  • Brideson, MA, Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Winding patterns for actively-shielded shim coils with asymmetric target-fields’, Measurement Science and Technology14 484-493 (2003) [A1]

Conference Publication

  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S*, ‘Applied mathematics and MRI coil design’, Proceedings EMAC 2002, Brisbane, 41-48 (2002) [F1]


  • Forbes, LK, Crozier, S, Doddrell, DM, Asymmetric zonal shim coils for magnetic resonance (2002) [J1] 

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Barry Gardner

Journal Article

  • Gardner, BJ, McDougall, RG*, ‘On the base radical class for associative rings’, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 1 (1) 1 (In Press) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Stokes, T*, ‘Closure rings’, Commentationes Mathematicae Univesitatis Carolinae, 40 (3) 413-427 (1999) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, ‘On product-closed radical classes of abelian groups’, Bulletin Academy of Science Republic Moldova, 30 (2) 33-52 (1999) [A2]
  • Chick, HL, Gardner, BJ, ‘Quasiregular torsion rings having isomorphic additive and circle composition groups’, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 22 (3) 371 - 384 (1999) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, ‘Slenderness for rings’, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 27 (4) 345-361 (1999) [A1]
  • Chick, HL, Gardner, BJ, ‘Commutative quasiregular rings with isomorphic additive and circle composition groups, II: rational algebras’, Communications in Algebra, 26 657-670 (1998) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, ‘Self-pseudoprojective completely decomposable abelian groups’, Mathematica Pannonica, 9 (2) 259-265 (1998) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Kelarev, AV, ‘Two generalizations of T-nilpotence’, Algebra Colloquium, 5 (4) 449-458 (1998) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Kelarev, AV, ‘Invariant radicals’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 127A 773-780 (1997) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Parmenter, MM, ‘Directoids and directed groups’, Algebra Universalis, 33 254-273 (1995) [A1]


  • Gardner, BJ, Wiegandt, R, Radical Theory of Rings, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, 500 (In Press) [B1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Shaoxue, L, Wiegandt, R, Rings and radicals, Longman, Harlow, 253 (1996) [B3]

Conference Publication

  • Gardner, BJ, ‘Morphic orthoganality and radicals in categories’, Rings and Radicals, Shijiazhuang, 178-206 (1996) [F1]

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Robyn Gregory **

  • Gregory, RLA, ‘Construction, viewing and perception of anamorphograms’ (1996) [M1]

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Kym Hill

Journal Article
  • Dominik, M*, Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S*, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pel, JW*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘The PLANET microlensing follow-up network: results and prospects for the detection of extra-solar planets’, Planetary and Space Science, 50 299-307 (2002) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, An, J*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, Dominik, M*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Pollard, K*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Hauschildt, PH*, ‘H? Equivalent Width Variations Across the Face of a Microlensed K Giant in the Galactic Bulge’, The Astrophysical Journal, 550 (2) L173-L177 (2001) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, An, J*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pel, JW*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Vreeswijk, PM*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘Limits on the Abundance of Galactic Planets from 5 Years of PLANET Observations’, The Astrophysical Journal, 556 (1) L113-L116 (2001) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, An, J*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘PLANET Observations of Microlensing Event OGLE-1999-BUL-23: Limb-darkening Measurement of the Source Star’, The Astrophysical Journal, 549 (2) 759-769 (2001) [A1]
  • Afonso, C*, Alard, C*, Albert, JN*, Andersen, J*, Ansari, R*, Aubourg, E*, Bareyre, P*, Bauer, F*, Beaulieu, JP*, Bouquet, A*, Char, S*, Charlot, X*, Couchot, F*, Coutures, C*, Derue, F*, Ferlet, R*, Glicenstein, JF*, Goldman, B*, Gould, A*, Graff, D*, Gros, M*, Haissinski, J*, Hamilton, JC*, Hardin, D*, de Kat, J*, Kim, A*, Lasserre, T*, Lesquoy, E*, Loup, C*, Magneville, C*, Marquette, JB*, Maurice, E*, Milsztajn, A*, Moniez, M*, Palanque-Delabrouille, N*, Perdereau, O*, Prevot, L*, Regnault, N*, Rich, J*, Spiro, M*, Vidal-Madjar, A*, Vigroux, L*, Zylberajch, S*, Alcock, C*, Allsman, RA*, Alves, D*, Axelrod, TS*, Becker, AC*, Cook, KH*, Drake, AJ*, Freeman, KC*, Griest, K*, King, LJ*, Lehner, MJ*, Marshall, SL*, Minniti, D*, Peterson, BA*, Pratt, MR*, Quinn, PJ*, Rodgers, AW*, Stetson, PB*, Stubbs, CW*, Sutherland, W*, Tomaney, A*, Vandehei, T*, Rhie, SH*, Bennett, DP*, Fragile, PC*, Johnson, BR*, Quinn, J*, Udalski, A*, Kubiak, M*, Szymanski, M*, Pietrzynski, G*, Wozniak, P*, Zebrun, K*, Albrow, MD*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S*, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘Combined Analysis of the Binary Lens Caustic-Crossing Event MACHO 98-SMC-1’, The Astrophysical Journal, 532 (Mar 20) 340-352 (2000) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Willams, A*, Bond, HE*, van Bemmel, IM*, ‘Detection of Rotation in a Binary Microlens: Planet Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-41’, The Astrophysical Journal , 534 (May 10) 894-906 (2000) [A1]
  • Sahu, KC*, Vreeswijk, P*, Bakos, G*, Menzies, JW*, Bragaglia, A*, Frontera, F*, Piro, L*, Albrow, MD*, Bond, IA*, Bower, R*, Caldwell, JAR*, Castro-Tirado, AJ*, Courbin, F*, Dominik, M*, Fynbo, JU*, Galama, T*, Glazebrook, K*, Greenhill, JG, Gorosabel, J*, Hearnshaw, J*, Hill, KM, Hjorth, J*, Kane, S, Kilmartin, PM*, Kouveliotou, C*, Martin, R*, Masetti, N*, Maxted, P*, Minniti, D*, Moller, P*, Muraki, Y*, Nakamura, T*, Noda, S*, Ohnishi, K*, Palazzi, E*, van Paradijs, J*, Pian, E*, Pollard, KR*, Rattenbury, NJ*, Reid, M*, Rol, E*, Saito, T*, Sackett, PD*, Saizar, P*, Tinney, C*, Permaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Yock, P*, Dar, A*, ‘Discovery of the Optical Counterpart and Early Optical Observations of GRB 990712’, The Astrophysical Journal, 540 (Sep 1) 74-80 (2000) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘Limits on Stellar and Planetary Companions in Microlensing Event OGLE-1998-BUL-14’, The Astrophysical Journal , 535 (May 20) 176-189 (2000) [A1]
  • Middleditch, J*, Kristian, JA*, Kunkel, WE*, Hill, KM, Watson, RD, Lucinio, R*, Imamura, JN*, Steiman-Cameron, TY*, Shearer, A*, Butler, R*, Redfern, M*, Danks, AC*, ‘Rapid photometry of supernova 1987A: a 2.14 ms pulsar?’, New Astronomy, 5 (5) 243-283 (2000) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pogge, RW*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, ‘A Complete Set of Solutions for Caustic Crossing Binary Microlensing Events’, The Astrophysical Journal, 522 (Sept 10) 1022-1036 (1999) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, Dominik, M*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pel, JW*, Pollard, K*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Sahu, MS*, ‘Limb Darkening of a K Giant in the Galactic Bulge: PLANET Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-28’, The Astrophysical Journal, 522 (Sept 10) 1011-1021 (1999) [A1]
  • Giles, AB, Hill, KM, Greenhill, JG, ‘The optical counterpart of SAX J1808.4-3658, the transient bursting millisecond X-ray pulsar’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 304 (1) 47-51 (1999) [A1]
  • Albrow, MD*, Beaulieu, JP*, Caldwell, JAR*, DePoy, DL*, Dominik, M*, Gaudi, BS*, Gould, A*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pollard, KR*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vermaak, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Pogge, RW*, ‘The Relative Lens-Source Proper Motion in MACHO 98-SMC-1’, The Astrophysical Journal, 512 (Feb 20) 672-677 (1999) [A1]
  • Gibs, AB*, Hill, KM, Greenhill, JG, ‘SaxJ1818.4-3658=XTEJ1808-369’, IAUC, 4 (1998) 6886 (1998) [A2]
  • van der Hooft, F*, Groot, PJ*, Shahbaz, T*, Augusteijn, T*, Casares, J*, Dieters, S*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Scheers, LHA*, Naber, R*, de Jong, JA*, Charles, PA*, van Paradijs, J*, ‘Optical Light Curve and Orbital Ephemeris for the Black-hole X-ray Binary GRO J1655-40 (Nova Scorpii 1994)’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 286 (1) L43-L49 (1997) [A1]
  • van der Hooft, F*, Groot, PJ*, Shahbaz, T*, Augusteijn, T*, Casares, J*, Dieters, S*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Scheers, LHA*, Naber, RM*, de Jong, JA*, Charles, PA*, van Paradijs, J*, ‘The black hole transient Nova Scorpii 1994 (=GRO J1655 - 40): orbital ephemeris and optical light curve’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 286 L43-L49 (1997) [A1]
  • Williams, A*, Martin, R*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Benetti, S*, Augusteijn, T*, Sarajedini, A*, ‘Supernova 1995W in NGC 7650’, Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams International Astronomical Union (6206) 1 (1996) [A4]
  • Phillips, JP, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, ‘V2116 Ophiuchi’, Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams International Astronomical Union (6528) 1 (1996) [A4]
  • Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, ‘Supernova 1995W in NGC 7650’, International Astronomical Union Circular (6206) 1 (1995) [A4]
Conference Publication
  • Albrow, M*, Beaulieu, JP*, van Bemmel, I*, Birch, P*, Caldwell, JAR*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pel, JW*, Pollard, K*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vreeswijk, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Zwaan, M*, ‘The PLANET Collaboration: Current Status and Future Prospects’, ASP Conference Series, Baltimore, 91-94 (1997) [F2]
  • Albrow, M*, Beaulieu, JP*, Birch, P*, Caldwell, JAR*, Greenhill, JG, Hill, KM, Kane, S, Martin, R*, Menzies, J*, Naber, RM*, Pel, JW*, Pollard, K*, Sackett, PD*, Sahu, KC*, Vreeswijk, P*, Watson, RD, Williams, A*, Zwaan, M*, ‘The PLANET Collaboration: Probing Lensing Anomalies’, Proceedings of the 12th IAP Astrophysics Meeting, Paris, France, 135-140 (1997) [F2]
  • Hartnett, JS, Williams, RN, Hill, KM, ‘Providing a Graphical user Interface for Customised GIS Applications’, Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, Barcelona, 507-516 (1996) [F1]

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Marcel Jackson **

Journal Article
  • Jackson, MG, ‘On the finite basis problem for finite Rees quotients of free monoids’, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 67 121-159 (2001) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘Finite semigroups whose varieties have uncountably many subvarieties’, Journal of Algebra, 228 512-535 (2000) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, Sapir, O*, ‘Finitely based, finite sets of words’, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 10 (6) 683-708 (2000) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘Small semigroup related structures with infinite properties’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 61 (3) 525 - 527 (2000) [A2]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘The embeddability of ring and semigroup amalgams is undecidable’, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A), 69 272-286 (2000) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘Some undecidable embedding problems for finite semigroups’, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 42 113-125 (1999) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘A note on HSI -algebras and counterexamples to Wilkie's identity’, Algebra Universalis, 36 528-535 (1996) [A1]
  • Jackson, MG, ‘Small semigroup related structures with infinite properties’ (1999) [M3]

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Peter Johnston **

Journal Article

  • Gale, TJ, Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘Efficient boundary element method solution of potential problems that are large, linear and involve optimization of boundary geometry’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 18 (March) 827-834 (2002) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Elliott, D, ‘A generalisation of Telles' method for evaluating weakly singular boundary element integrals’, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 131 (1) 223-241 (2001) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, Li, CY*, ‘The Importance of Anisotropy in Modeling ST Segment Shift in Subendocardial Ischaemia’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48 (12) 1366-1376 (2001) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Elliott, D, ‘Error estimation of quadrature rules for evaluating singular integrals in boundary element problems’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48 (May) 949-962 (2000) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Gulrajani, RM*, ‘Selecting the corner in the L-curve approach to Tikhanov regularization’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47 (9) 1293-1296 (2000) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Gulrajani, M*, ‘Selecting the corner in the L-curve approach to Tikhonov regularization’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47 (9) 1293-1296 (2000) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Semi-sigmoidal transformations for evaluating weakly singular boundary element integrals’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 47 (January) 1709-1730 (2000) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘An asymptotic estimate for the effective radius of a concentric bipolar electrode’, Mathematical Biosciencs, 161 65-82 (1999) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Application of sigmoial transformations to weakly singular and near-singular boundary element integrals’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 45 1333-1348 (1999) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Calculating Surface Laplacians as a Boundary Element Method Postprocess’, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37 (10) 95-103 (1999) [A1]
  • Li, DS, Li, CY, Yong, AC, Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘Epicardial ST depression in acute myocardial infarction’, Circulation Research, 85 (November) 959-964 (1999) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Gulrajani, RM*, ‘A New Method for Regularization Parameter Determination in the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 44 (1) 19-39 (1997) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘C2-Continuous elements for boundary element analysis’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40 2087-2108 (1997) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘The Laplacian Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography: An Eccentric Spheres Study’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 44 (7) 539-548 (1997) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘The Laplacian inverse problem of electrocardioraphy: An eccentric spheres study’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 44 (7) 539-548 (1997) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘A boundary element formulation of the forward problem of electrocardiology utilizing discontinuous element’, Boundary Element Communications, 7 (2) 51-56 (1996) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Second order Overhouser elements for boundary element analysis’, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 23 (5) 61-74 (1996) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘The potential for Laplacian maps to solve the inverse problem of electrocardiography’, IEEE Transactons on Biomedical Engineering, 43 (4) 384-393 (1996) [A1]
  • Tjin, SC*, Kilpatrick, D, Johnston, PR, ‘Evaluation of the two-fibre laser Doppler anemometer for in vivo blood flow measurements: Experimental and flow simulation results’, Optical Engineering, 34 (2) 460-469 (1995) [A1]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘The inverse problem of electrocardiology: The performance of Inversion Techniques as a function of patient anatomy’, Mathematical Biosciences, 126 (2) 125-146 (1995) [A1]
Chapter in Book
  • Johnston, PR, Gulrajani, RM*, ‘A comparison of methods for regularisation parameter determination in the inverse problem of electrocardiography’, Computational Inverse Problems in Electrocardiography, WIT Press, PR Johnston (ed), Southampton, UK, 191-227 (2001) [C1]
  • Kilpatrick, D, Johnston, PR, ‘Clinical applications of the inverse problem’, Computational Inverse Problems in Electrocardiography, WIT Press, PR Johnston (ed), Southampton, UK, 269-289 (2001) [C1]
Conference Publication
  • Corney, SP, Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘Modelling blood flow in coronary arteries with junctions’, Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, USA, 363-366 (2002) [F2]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D*, ‘The effect of subcutaneous fat layer on the measurement of the surface Laplacian’, Proceedings, Melbourne, 23-24 (1998) [F2]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘The effect of the subcutaneous fat layer on the measurement of the surface Laplacian’, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Melbourne, Australia, 23-24 (1998) [F1]
  • Li, CY, Li, DS, Kilpatrick, D, Johnston, PR, ‘A computer model of ST depression in transmural ischaemia’, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 10-13 August, Hobart, Tasminia, 229 (1997) [F3]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘A transient analysis of human coronary artery blood flow’, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 10-13 August, Hobart, Tasmania, 321 (1997) [F3]
  • Li, CY, Li, DS, Kilpatrick, D, Johnston, PR, ‘An explanation for ST depression in subendocardial ischaemia’, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 10-13 August, Hobart, Tasmania, 230 (1997) [F3]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘Analysis of the Accuracy of the Concentric Bipolar Electrode for Surface Laplacian Measurements’, Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging 1997. First Austrian Symposium on Noninvasive Magnetic and Electrical Source Imaging Within the Human Heart and Brain, 25-28 September 1997, Graz, Australia, 201-204 (1997) [F2]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘The effect of branch angle on human coronary artery blood flow’, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 8-11 December 1997, Hobart, Australia, 1029-1034 (1997) [F1]
  • Li, CY, Kilpatrick, D, Johnston, PR, Li, DS, ‘A computer model of ST changes in subendocardial ischaemia’, 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 31 Oct.-3 Nov. 1996, 102 (1996) [F3]
  • Johnston, PR, Kilpatrick, D, ‘An eccentric spheres model to study the inverse problem of electrocardiography from surface Laplacian measurements’, The 1st International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Tampere, Finland, 41-42 (1996) [F1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Can Body Surface Laplacian Maps be used to Solve the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography? in Building Bridges in Electrocardiology’, 22nd International Congress on Electrocardiology, 25-29 June, 1995, Nijmegan, The Netherlands, 162-163 (1995) [F1]
  • Johnston, PR, Gulrajani, RM*, ‘Regularization parameter determination in the inverse ECG problem in Building Bridges in Electrocardiology’, 22nd International Congress on Electrocardiology, 25-29 June, 1995, Nijmegan, The Netherlands, 178-179 (1995) [F1]
  • Johnston, PR, ‘Solving the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiology using Body Surface Laplacian Mapping in Computer Simulations in Biomedicine’, Third International Conference on Computer Simulations in Biomedicine, Southampton, United Kingdom, 419-426 (1995) [F1]

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Andrei Kelarev

Journal Articles  

  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, ‘A combinatorial property and Cayley graphs of semigroups’, Semigroup Forum, 66 89-96 (In Press) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘On congruences of automata defined by directed graphs’, Theoretical Computer Science 1-13 (In Press) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On incidence rings of group automata’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 00 (00) 00 (In Press) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Praeger, CE*, ‘On transitive Cayley graphs of groups and semigroups’, European Journal of Combiatorics (In Press) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘An algorithm for repeated convex regions in geographic information systems’, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 8 (1) 75-79 (2002) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, ‘Directed graphs and combinatorial properties of semigroups’, Journal of Algebra, 251 16-26 (2002) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Kelarev, AV, Stokes, T*, ‘Non-commutative modal rings and internalized equality’, Algebra Colloquium, 9 (1) 65-80 (2002) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On undirected Cayley graphs’, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 25 73-78 (2002) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘Two algorithms for languages recognized by graph algebras’, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 79 (12) 1317-1327 (2002) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘A class of semisimple automata’, Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 8 (1) 1-8 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘Directed graphs and syntactic algebras of tree languages’, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 6 (3) 305-311 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘Languages Recognised by a Class of Finite Automata’, Acta Cybernetica, 15 45-52 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On a theorem of Cohen and Montgomery for graded rings’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A, 131 1163-1166 (2001) [A1]
  • Jespers, E, Kelarev, AV, Okninski, J, ‘On the Jacobson radical of graded rings’, Communications in Algebra, 29 (5) 2185-2191 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, Smolikova, R*, ‘Power graphs and semigroups of matrices’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 63 341-344 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Stokes, TE*, ‘Rings Used in Modal Logic and Their Radicals’, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 29 (2) 179-190 (2001) [A1]
  • Dascalescu, S*, Kelarev, AV, van Wyk, L*, ‘Semigroup gradings of full matrix rings’, Communications in Algebra, 29 (11) 5023-5031 (2001) [A1]
  • Dascalescu, S*, Kelarev, AV, Nastasescu, C*, ‘Semigroup gradings of upper triangular matrix rings’, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 46 (5) 611-615 (2001) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Stokes, TE*, ‘Equality algebras and varieties’, Fundamental Applications in Mathematics, 6 1-5 (2000) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Finiteness conditions and sums of rings’, Publicationes Mathematicae, 57 (1-2) 115-119 (2000) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘Syntactic semigroups and graph algebras’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 471-477 (2000) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Varieties and sums of rings’, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 41 (2) 325 - 328 (2000) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Band-graded rings’, Mathematica Japonica, 49 (3) 467--479 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Stokes, T*, ‘Central internal algebras and varieties’, Communications in Algebra, 27 (8) 3851-3862 (1999) [A1]
  • Dascalescu, S, Kelarev, AV, ‘Finiteness conditions for semigroup-graded modules’, Revue Roumaine Math matiques Pures et Appliqu es, XLIV (1) 37-50 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Stokes, T*, ‘Interior algebras and varieties’, Journal of Algebra, 221 50-59 (1999) [A1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘On finite principal ideal rings’, Acta Mathematicae Universitatis Comenianae, 68 (1) 77--84 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On rings with inverse adjoint semigroup’, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 23 (3) 431-436 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Rings which are sums of finite fields’, Finite Fields and their Applications, 5 89-95 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Semigroup rings which are finite direct products of Galois rings’, Semigroup Forum, 59 467-469 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Semigroup varieties and semigroup algebras’, Semigroup Forum, 59 461-466 (1999) [A1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Semisimple Artinian graded rings’, Communications in Algebra, 27 (8) 3863-3874 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Two ring constructions and sums of fields’, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 28 43-46 (1999) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Okninski, J, ‘A combinatorial property and growth for semigroups of matrices’, Communications in Algebra, 26 2789-2805 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘An answer to a question of Kegel on sums of rings’, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 41 (1) 79-80 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Directed Graphs and Nilpotent Rings’, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, 65 326-332 (1998) [A1]
  • Justin, J*, Kelarev, AV, ‘Factorizations of infinite sequences in semigroups’, Annali di Mathematica Pura ed Applicata, 174 87-96 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Recent results and open questions on semigroup-graded rings’, Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 4 (4) 1115-1139 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Semigroup rings in semisimple varieties’, Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society, 57 387-391 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Semisimple ring graded by inverse semigroups’, Journal of Algebra, 205 451-459 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, van der Merwe, B*, van Wyk, L*, ‘The minimum number of idempotent generators of an upper triangular matrix algebra’, Journal of Algebra, 205 605-616 (1998) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Kelarev, AV, ‘Two generalizations of T-nilpotence’, Algebra Colloquium, 5 (4) 449-458 (1998) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Pirillo, G*, ‘A note on rewritable products in groups and semigroups’, Bollettino Unione Mathematica Italiana, 11 (7) 667-670 (1997) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘A primitive ring which is a sum of two Wedderburn radical subrings’, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125 (7) 2191-2193 (1997) [A1]
  • Dascalescu, S, Kelarev, AV, Torrecillis, B*, ‘FBN Hopf module algebras’, Communications in Algebra, 25 (11) 3521-3529 (1997) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Generalised radical semigroup rings’, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 21 85-90 (1997) [A1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Generators and weights of polynomial codes’, Archiv der Mathematik, 69 479-486 (1997) [A1]
  • Gardner, BJ, Kelarev, AV, ‘Invariant radicals’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 127A 773-780 (1997) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On classical Krull dimension of group-graded rings’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 55 (2) 255-259 (1997) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On left self distributive rings’, Acta Mathematicae Hungaricae, 71 (1-2) 121-122 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Plant, A, ‘On rings with invariant radicals’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 53 143-147 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On the structure of the Jacobson radical of graded rings’, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 19 331-340 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Radicals of algebras graded by cancellative linear semigroups’, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 124 (1) 61-65 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Okninski, J*, ‘The Jacobson Radical of Graded PI-Rings and Related Classes of Rings’, Journal of Algebra, 186 818-830 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Application of epigroups to graded ring theory’, Semigroup Forum, 50 327-350 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Artinian band sums of rings’, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Ser. A, 58 66-72 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Clase, MV*, Jespers, J*, Okninski, J*, ‘Artinian semigroup-graded rings’, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society., 27 441-446 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Plant, A, ‘Bergman's lemma for graded rings’, Communications in Algebra, 23 4613-4624 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Okninski, J*, ‘On group graded rings satisfying polynomial identities’, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 37 205-210 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On groupoid graded rings’, Journal of Algebra, 178 391-399 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On the description of radicals of semigroup rings of commutative semigroups.’, Russian Mathematics (Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Matematika), 397 (6) 37-41 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Radicals of contracted graded rings’, Journal of Algebra, 176 561-568 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Shumyatsky, PV*, ‘Soluable and linear repetitive groups’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 253-261 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, McConnell, NR, ‘Two versions of graded rings.’, Publicationes Mathematicae (Debrecen), 47 219-227 (1995) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On the nilpotency of the Jacobson radical of semigroup rings.’, Acta Mathematicae Universitatis Comenianae, 63 161-166 (1994) [A1]


  • Kelarev, AV, Ring Constructions and Applications, World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, 160 (2002) [B1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Gobel, R, Rangaswamy, KM, Schultz, P, Vinsonhaler, C, Abelian groups, Rings and Modules, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 320 (2001) [B3]


  • Kelarev, AV, ‘A method for the compact coding of an image (N.Sh.Dzhikiya)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (j) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘An algebraic construction of codes for Slepian-Wolf source networks (T.Uyematsu)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (m) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Finite state automata (B. Steinberg)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (c) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Grobner bases over Galois rings with an application to decoding alternant codes (E. Byrne, P. Fitzpatrick)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (d) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Mathematics of information and coding (T.S.Han, K.Kobayashi)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (m) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘One-sided noncommutative Grobner bases with applications to computing Green's relations (A.Heyworth)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (e) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Slender matrix languages (R. Stiebe)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (k) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Some new results on primitive words and language classes (M. Kudlek)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (d) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Triangular matrix representations (G.F.Birkenmeier, H.E.Heatherly, J.Y.Kim, J.K.Park)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2002 (d) 1 (2002) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Inverse automata and monoids and the undecidability of the Cayley subgraph problem for groups: by A Oliveira and P Silva (Glasgow Math. J. (2000))’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (h) 2 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Omega rings, their flat and projective acts with some applications; by Olga Sokratova (Dissertationes Mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (m) 1 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On Dehn functions of finitely presented bi-automatic monoids: by Friedrich Otto (J.Autom. Lang. Comb)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (h) 1 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On some polynomial GCD algorithms: by Drago Pop (Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Inform.)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (m) 1 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On the computation of Hilbert series and Poincare series for algebras with Grobner bases: by Jonas Mansson (Comput. Sci. J. Moldovia)’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (g) 1 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Rewriting as a special case of non-commutative Grobner basis theory: by Anne Heyworth (London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 275) Series’, Mathematical Reviews, 2001 (f) 1 (2001) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Algebra Interactive! Learning algebra in an exciting way’, Mathematical Reviews, 2000 (October) 1 (2000) [D3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Semigroups of matrices’, Semigroup Forum, 59 (1) 155-158 (1999) [D3]

Conference Publications

  • Kelarev, AV, Trotter, PG, ‘A combinatorial property of languages and monoids’, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Words, Languages and Combinatorics, Kyoto, Japan, 1-10 (In Press) [F1]
  • Bespamyatnikh, SN*, Kelarev, AV, ‘An algorithm for analysis of data in geographic information systems’, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Queensland, 10 (2002) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Labelled Cayley graphs and minimal automata’, 27th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing; Abstracts, Newcastle, 29 (2002) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘On error-correcting codes as ideals in group rings’, 46th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society: Abstracts, Newcastle, 96 (2002) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘A combinatorial property defined in terms of power graphs’, Workshop on Model Theory, Profinite Topology and Semigroups: Abstracts, Coimbra, Portugal, 8-10 (2001) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, Miller, M*, Sokratova, OV, ‘Directed Graphs and Closure Properties For Languages’, Proceedings of the 12-th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Bandung, Indonesia, 118-125 (2001) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sole, P*, ‘Error-correcting Codes as Ideals in Group Rings’, Contemporary Mathematics, Perth, Western Australia, 12-18 (2001) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Error-correcting codes as ideals in ring constructions’, Workshop "Algebra and its applications" at Kaariku: Abstracts, Estonia, 2 (2001) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘Information Rates and Weights of Codes in Structural Matrix Rings’, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Melbourne, 151-158 (2001) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Meakin, J*, ‘On complete and bipartite Cayley graphs’, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra 62: Abstracts, Linz, Austria, 25 (2001) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘On information rates and weights of codes in structural matrix rings’, Proceedings of AAECC-14 Symposium, Melbourne, 73-74 (2001) [F2]
  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, ‘A Combinatorial Property and Power Graphs of Groups’, Contributions to General Algebra 12,, Vienna, Austria, 229-236 (2000) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘A combinatorial property of languages and syntactic monoids’, Abstracts, Brisbane, 75 (2000) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, Sokratova, OV, ‘An Algorithm for Languages Recognised by Graph Algebras’, Proceedings of the Eleventh Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Newcastle, New South Wales, 43-52 (2000) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, Sokratova, OV, ‘Automata with languages recognised by graph algebras’, AISAT 2000 Proceedings, Hobart, 296-301 (2000) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Error-correcting codes in group rings’, ACRAM 2000 Abstracts, Perth, 4 (2000) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, Quinn, SJ, Smolikova, R*, ‘On fuzzy regular languages’, AISAT 2000 Proceedings, Hobart, 291-295 (2000) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Trotter, PG, ‘A combinatorial property of automata, languages, and syntactic monoids’, Words, Languages, Combinatorics, Kyoto, 66-67 (1999) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Algorithms for computing the Jacobson radical of group rings’, Group Theory and Computation, Sydney, 25 (1999) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Directed graphs and combinatorial properties for groups and semigroups’, Australian Mathematical Society Joint Annual Conference with American Mathematical Society, 43, Melbourne, 13 (1999) [F3]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Directed graphs and combinatorial properties of groups’, Arbeitung Algemene Algebra, Vienna, 8 (1999) [F3]
  • Bespamyatnikh, SN*, Kelarev, AV, ‘Shortest paths and d-cycle problem’, Combinatorial Algorithms, Perth, 152-156 (1999) [F1]
  • Cazaran, J, Kelarev, AV, ‘Polynomial codes and principal ideal rings’, Proc. 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, 502 (1997) [F2]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘Combinatorial Properties of Sequences in Groups and Semigroups’, DMTCS '96, Auckland, 289-298 (1996) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, ‘New results on combinatorial properties of sequences of semigroup elements.’, CANT'95, Sydney, 121-127 (1995) [F2]

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Galena Kelareva **

  • Kelarev, GV, ‘A package for teaching the simplex method with Mathematica.’, Mathematica World, 3(9) 41 Kbytes (1995) [A1]

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Rudi Lidl **

Chapter in Book

  • Binder, F*, Lidl, R, ‘Applications of fields’, The Concise Handbook of Algebra, Kluwer Academic Publishers, AV Mikhalev and G Pilz (ed), Dordrecht, 377-381 (2002) [C1]
  • Lidl, R, Niederreiter, H*, ‘Finite Fields and Their Applications’, Handbook of Algebra, Elsevier, Hazewinkel, M (ed), Amsterdam, 321-363 (1996) [C1]

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Susumu Okada **

Journal Article
  • Prossdorf, S, Okada, S, ‘On the solution of the generalised airfoil problem’, Journal of Integral Equations and Application, 9 (1) 71-98 (1997) [A1]
  • Jefferies, B*, Okada, S, ‘An operator bound related to regular operators’, Archiv der Mathematik, 66 219-227 (1996) [A1]
  • Okada, S, Ricker, WJ*, ‘Continuous extensions of spectral measures’, Colloquium Mathematicum, 71 (1) 115-132 (1996) [A1]
  • Okada, S, Ricker, WJ*, ‘Spectral measures and automatic continuity’, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, 3 267-279 (1996) [A1]
  • Okada, S, Ricker, W*, ‘The range of the integration map of a vector measure’, Archiv der Mathematik, 64 512-522 (1995) [A1]

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Damien Palmer

Journal Article
  • Palmer, D, Row, D, Stee, R, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Rigidity of octahedral tetrahedral trusses’, Discrete Applied mathematics, 86 249-262 (1998) [A1]

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Alison Plant **

Journal Article
  • Kelarev, AV, Plant, A, ‘On rings with invariant radicals’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 53 143-147 (1996) [A1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Plant, A, ‘Bergman's lemma for graded rings’, Communications in Algebra, 23 4613-4624 (1995) [A1]
  • Plant, A, Salam, MA*, ‘Schur's Q-functions and the BKP hierarchy’, Journal of Physics A., 28 L59-L62 (1995) [A1]

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Barry Robinson **

Conference Publication

  • Robinson, B, ‘Polynomial representations of Legendre functions’, Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial Conference, Adelaide, 585-590 (1998) [F1]
  • Gates, LMT, Robinson, B, Blest, DC, ‘Measures of mathematical knowledge students bring with them to university can contribute to better teacher’, Eighteenth Annual Conference of Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Darwin, 285-292 (1995) [F1]

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Don Row **

Journal Article
  • Palmer, D, Row, D, Stee, R, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Rigidity of octahedral tetrahedral trusses’, Discrete Applied mathematics, 86 249-262 (1998) [A1]

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Roy Stee **

Journal Article
  • Palmer, D, Row, D, Stee, R, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Rigidity of octahedral tetrahedral trusses’, Discrete Applied mathematics, 86 249-262 (1998) [A1]

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Tim Stokes **

Journal Article
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE, ‘Equality algebras’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 56 (2) 177-191 (1997) [A1]
  • Bulmer, M, Stokes, TE, ‘Geometry Theorem Prover’, Mathematica World, 3 (10) 1-16 (1995) [A2]
  • Bulmer, M*, Fearnley-Sander, DP, Stokes, TE, ‘Toward a Calculus of Algorithms’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 50 (1) 81-89 (1995) [A1]

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Peter Trotter

Journal Articles

  • Auinger, K*, Trotter, PG, ‘A Syntactic approach to covers for E-dense semigroups over group varieties’, Mathematika, 1 (1) 1-13 (In Press) [A1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘Completely regular semigroups’, Semigroup Forum, 64 333-336 (2002) [A4]
  • Almeida, J, Trotter, PG, ‘Hyperdecidability of pseudovarieties of orthogroups’, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 43 (1) 67-83 (2001) [A1]
  • Almeida, J, Trotter, PG, ‘The pseudoidentity problem and reducibility for completely regular semigroups’, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 63 (3) 407-433 (2001) [A1]
  • Churchill, GA, Trotter, PG, ‘A Unified Approach to Biidentities for e-varieties’, Semigroup Forum, 60 208-230 (2000) [A1]
  • Trotter, PG, Pastijn, F, ‘Complete congruences on lattices of varieties and of pseudovarieties’, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 8 (2) 171-201 (1998) [A1]
  • Auinger, K, Trotter, PG, ‘Pseudovarieties, regular semigroups, and semidirect products’, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 58 (2) 271-283 (1998) [A1]
  • Hall, TE, Kublanovskii, SI*, Margolis, SW, Sapir, MV, Trotter, PG, ‘Algoritmic problems for finite groups and finite 0-simple semigroups’, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 119 (1) 75-96 (1997) [A1]
  • Jones, PR, Trotter, PG, ‘Semidirect products of regular semigroups’, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 349 (11) 4265-4310 (1997) [A1]
  • Trotter, PG, Weil, P, ‘The lattice of pseudovarieties of idempotent semigroups and a non-regular analogue’, Algebra Universalis, 37 491-526 (1997) [A1]
  • Trotter, PG, Volkov, MV, ‘The finite basis problem in pseudovariety joins of aperiodic semigroups’, Semigroup Forum, 52 83-91 (1996) [A1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘Covers for Regular semigroups and an application to complexity’, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 105 319-328 (1995) [A1]
  • Jones, PR*, Trotter, PG, ‘Locality of DS and associated varieties’, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 103 275-301 (1995) [A1]

Chapter in Book

  • Pilz, GF*, Shevrin, N*, Trotter, PG, ‘Applications of semigroups’, The Concise Handbook of Algebra, KluwerAcademic Publishers, AV Mikhalev and G Pilz (ed), Dordrecht, 66-70 (2002) [C1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘Inverse semigroups’, The Concise Handbook of Algebra, Kluwer Academic Publishers, AV Mikhalev and G Pilz (ed), Dordrecht, 42-46 (2002) [C1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘Regular semigroups’, The Concise Hanbook of Algebra, Kluwer Academic Publishers, AV Mikhalev and G Pilz (ed), Dordrecht, 35-38 (2002) [C1]

Conference Publications

  • Kelarev, AV, Trotter, PG, ‘A combinatorial property of languages and monoids’, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Words, Languages and Combinatorics, Kyoto, Japan, 1-10 (In Press) [F1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘Decidability problems in finite semigroups’, Semigroups, Algorithms, Automata and Languages , Coimbra, Portugal, 501-515 (2002) [F1]
  • Kelarev, AV, Trotter, PG, ‘A combinatorial property of automata, languages, and syntactic monoids’, Words, Languages, Combinatorics, Kyoto, 66-67 (1999) [F3]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘On bases of identities of semidirect products of varieties of semigroups’, Semigroups with Applications, including Semigroup Rings, St. Petersburg, 401-410 (1999) [F1]
  • Jiang, Z, Trotter, PG, ‘Universal aspects of regular *-semigroups’, Algebraic Engineering, Aizu, Japan, 437-447 (1999) [F1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘The lattices of pseudovarieties of DA and B’, Semigroups and Applications, St. Andrews, UK, 215-228 (1998) [F1]
  • Trotter, PG, ‘E varieties of semigroups’, Semigroups, Automata and Languages, Potugal, 247-262 (1996) [F1]

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John van den Berg **

Journal Article
  • van den Berg, J, ‘A note on uniform bounds of primeness in matrix rings’, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A, 65 212-223 (1998) [A1]

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Simon Wotherspoon


  • Palmer, D, Row, D, Stee, R, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Rigidity of octahedral tetrahedral trusses’, Discrete Applied mathematics, 86 249-262 (1998) [A1]
  • Wotherspoon, SJ, Donaldson, JD, ‘Finite differences and internal tides-representing the boundary’, Deep-Sea Research I, 43 (6) 949-958 (1996) [A1]
  • Fearnley-Sander, DP, Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Numerical Integration 1’, Mathematica World, 2 (9) 1-11 (1994) [A2]
  • Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Numerical Integration 2’, Mathematica World, 2 (10) 1-15 (1994) [A2]


  • Wotherspoon, SJ, ‘Internal tides and resonance’ (1995) [M3]

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La Monte Yarrol **

Journal Article
  • Yarroll, LH, ‘See more through lenses than bananas’, Theoretical Computer Science, 169 113-121 (1996) [A1]

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